Your Woovebox is the perfect tool for exploring a range of musical genres. Whether you're an expert producer or just a beginner, your Woovebox has the capabilities to help you make the music you and your audience love.
Your Woovebox emulates and implements various aspects found in hip hop.
Chiptune is characterized by low polyphony, basic waveforms and few effects (if any).
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- "Sea Caves of Arcadia" (under Sound demos)
- Step length-based auto-pitch (under Advanced modes and techniques)
- Storing your Woovebox (under Looking after your Woovebox)
Store your Woovebox in its protective case when it is not in use.
- Dynamics ('dyna') page (under Sidechaining, gating, ducking and compression)
- 5. QLty Spectral Quality (under Glob Gobal page)
Tracks with 'auto' set will always render at full ('FuLL') quality spectral resolution when exported via Wooveconnect.