1. bPM song tempo
Song's global tempo in beats per minute (range 80-260). Many time- or tempo-based settings and parameters derive their tempo from this one setting.
Note that BPM settings below 80 will reduce the available options for tempo-synced delay lengths. Delay lengths for the delay units (under 1/Cd and 5/Ki on the Song's effect "EFct" page) will be automatically adjusted down to accommodate very slow BPMs (and therefore very long delays).
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- "Sea Caves of Arcadia" (under Sound demos)
Dual delay effects with feedback effects (cave echoes).
- BLE enable (under Boot modes)
To start your Woovebox with BLE enabled, keep the 1/Cd key pressed while switching on the device.
- 2. S.buS Send Bus (under Dynamics)
Specifies the bus to which the signal from this track should be sent.
- 4. S.Lvl Send Level (under Dynamics)
The volume/strength (0-127) of the signal generated from this track that should be sent to the send bus ('S.buS').
- 5. Sd.dP Sidechain Depth (under Dynamics)