Most iOS software will detect your Woovebox. For any apps that don't however, you can use a utility app like Bluetooth MIDI Connect to connect your Woovebox to these apps.

Please note that due to Safari not supporting the WebMIDI standard, WooveConnect will currently not work on iOS devices. An upcoming EU directive will force Apple to allow other browser engines

If you need to transfer SysEx to or from your iOS device, you can use any standard SysEx manager (such as Sysex Base).

If you wish to update the firmware using your iOS device, you can download the firmware in .SYX format to your iOS device, and open it using such a SysEx manager. Please note that you may need to configure your iOS device to not turn off the screen during long SysEx transfers.

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Pocket Animal Audio Pty. Ltd.

ABN 42 671 534 526
Woovebox is a US registered trademark of SiliconFields
All product, company, and standard names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders