- Dynamics
- rv.du
14. rv.du Reverb Send Ducking
Specifies how much this track's volume should duck the track's reverb send.
This allows for much more subtle reverb tails in the mix, that don't get in the way of the main sound.
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- Floyd Steinberg: "Woovebox: step-by-step guide and brief review" (under Video resources, tutorials and reviews)
A guide on how to make a track, and brief review by Floyd Steinberg.
- Recovery mode (under Boot modes)
To do so, hold the 1/Cd key and value knob pressed in while powering up the device.
- Example (under Inversions)
- 10. MC.th Master Compressor ratio (under Glob (song globals) page)
- 5. AEG.d Amplitude Envelope Generator depth (under Osc1 and Osc2 oscillator page)
Defines the strength and nature of the effect of the Amplitude Envelope Generator (AEG).